Safety Village is a two week safety education program designed for Western Springs’ children entering kindergarten and first grade. It is held every June through the Western Springs Recreation Department. Our curriculum focuses on 55 facets of safety including fire safety, food & water safety, school bus safety, poison awareness, stranger danger, car safety and neighborhood safety. Through fun and interactive methods, our campers...
Learn about Fire Safety: The Western Springs Fire Department invites campers to explore their fire truck, practice the life saving art of "Stop, Drop and Roll", and learn the exit strategy "Get low and go!" Through the use of a "smoke house" campers simulate exiting a smoke filled house using their newly learned best practices!
Learn about Emergency Situations: Exploring the inside of a police car and ambulance is fun!! Thanks to the Western Springs Police Department campers are able to explore and learn all about personal safety. Through simulated 9-1-1 calls, our campers learn how to get help fast and the facts necessary to report the emergency effectively.
Learn about AT HOME Dangers: Did you know how many chemicals inside your house look like food or beverages? Mr. Yuk and our friends at Poison Control teach us that a "bottle of apple juice" may actually be a floor cleaner. Is that candy inside the laundry detergent pod? STOP! ASK FIRST! Find an adult to make sure it's safe!
Learn about Stranger Danger: With the help of Officer Tony and a volunteer police "stranger", campers are put to the test! Lessons include being aware of your surroundings, not talking to or accepting things from people you don't know. Should a stranger approach you, can you describe them when you report them? What were they driving or wearing? Were the tall, short, blond, etc.? Details are what police need to protect and serve!!
Students are entertained daily on life saving lessons by special guests like Buster the School Bus, Cinders the Fire Dog Show, Beltman, Buckle Bear, McGruff the Crime Dog, Sparky The Fire Dog, P.C. The Police Car and Freddie the Fire Truck.